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The DC Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) has allocated all of the available $50 million in federal COVID relief funding from the American Rescue Plan and will stop accepting applications as of June 30.

A photo of multi-colored rowhouses

DC Homeowner Assistance Fund

The DC Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) has allocated all of the available $50 million in federal COVID relief funding from the American Rescue Plan and will stop accepting applications as of June 30.

The funding provided grants to District homeowners affected by COVID-19 which helped them keep their home.


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Program Benefits

Program Benefits

HAF provides grants to pay mortgage or other property payments to preserve homeownership and aid in wealth-building for District residents. Payments are made directly to the payee, and not the homeowner. The lifetime cap of HAF assistance is $120,000 per household across all assistance types.

NOTE: Payments will only be made to organizations that have completed the DC Vendor registration process and verified the amount you owe.

Mortgage Assistance

Provides funds to bring mortgage accounts fully current. This includes forward mortgages, reverse mortgages and amounts advanced by the mortgage company on the borrower’s behalf such as property taxes or homeowner’s insurance premiums.

  • Reinstatement of past due payments (maximum assistance $100,000)
  • Forward payments of up to 3 months for qualified applicants (maximum assistance $18,000).

Homeowners are encouraged, but not required, to seek additional loss mitigation options offered by the mortgage company.

Property Fees Assistance (Housing Association Assistance, Insurance, Property Tax)

Provides funds to resolve any property charge default that threatens a homeowner’s ability to sustain ownership of the property that is not paid as part of the regular mortgage, such as Homeowner’s Insurance, Property Taxes, and Housing Association Fees, Common Charges or Other Special Assessments. Includes interest or reasonably acquired legal fees.

  • Reinstatement of past due payments (maximum assistance $100,000)
  • Forward payments of up to 3 months (or next property tax installment) for qualified applicants (maximum assistance $18,000)

Utility Assistance

Provides funds to bring delinquent accounts fully current under circumstances in which a delinquency threatens access to utility or internet or internet services.

  • Electricity, gas, and/or water to PEPCO, Washington Gas and DC Water (maximum assistance $4,000)
  • Internet and broadband services to RCN, Verizon and Comcast (maximum assistance $1,000)